By purchasing from this site you agree to hold harmless this Site, its owner, domain host, and administrators, from and against all civil or criminal liability, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees, that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of any product contained herein.
Psilocybin spores are legal in most States. It it your responsibility to follow the laws within your state, country, region.
Our mushroom spores are sold for microscopic use only. Anyone purchasing our spores with the intention of using them in an illegal manner will be denied future purchasing privileges.
Our site is dedicated to bringing you a large selection of premium quality mushroom spores at the most affordable prices found on the web.
We ship our spores via regular US Mail and may choose other shipping methods.
All products sold on this web site are intended for microscopic research and identification purposes only.
Please do not inquire about instructions on how to grow mushrooms. We do not provide that type of information. Any buyer that mentions an intent to use our spores to grow mushrooms will be denied future purchasing privileges. Our mushroom spores are sold strictly for legitimate research and educational purposes only.
If you are uncertain about any legal issues regarding our mushroom spores please feel free to email us with your questions. We try our best to keep informed with the current laws and will do our best to answer your questions. At the same time if you are aware of any new changes in the legal status of mushroom spores please let us know so we can pass the information to others.
Legal information provided on this site is a summary of data gathered from visitors, government documents, websites, and other resources. We are not lawyers and can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided here. We do our best to keep this information correct and up-to-date, but laws are complex and constantly changing. State laws regarding the purchase and possession of spores can also vary from one jurisdiction to another (City, County, State, etc) so please make sure you are aware of any local restrictions in your area before ordering any of our products.
The spores contained in our syringes are for microscopy inspection ONLY!
Many of these strains and species when grown, can be both harmful if consumed and may be illegal to grow or possess.
Ralphsters Spores in no way promotes or endorses any use of these spores, for anything other than microscopy observation.
By ordering from this site you certify that you are 18 years of age or older, and assume full responsibility for the use to which these products are used.